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33 Habits of a Really Good Man (4.50/5 stars from 4 reviews)

Bill Wells wasn't a famous man, but he left an invaluable legacy for those who knew him. He lived his life by a few simple words of wisdom-recorded in a little black notebook-and taught his children...

33 Habits of a Really Good Man

this is a great fun to read and it makes you think again about how to do things. He really was a really great man.

33 Habits of a Really Good Man

It was an easy to read book. It talked of good characteristics for anyone to develop. There was humor. I am impressed that there are "real" people who exhibit these characteristics. I personally don't know anyone who posesses all of them.

33 Habits of a Really Good Man

Memories of my own father crept-up from different quotes used by the author.

33 Habits of a Really Good Man

I really liked the book. It reminded me of my own father who was also very wise and a Really Good Man. I feel the habits listed are important habits to develop.