Priesthood Ordinance Cards: Helping Us Feel Ready to Serve

One of the greatest gifts of holding the Priesthood is having the opportunity to serve. From opportunities through the Aaronic Priesthood and Melchizedek Priesthood, the calling of being a Priesthood holder is to use God’s power on the Earth to bless the lives of those around us.

When using the power of the Priesthood, there are specific phrases and steps that must be followed in administering to those around us. These step-by-step instructions are often printed in the Missionary’s Handbook, or on the Gospel Library Application. However, sometimes it can be difficult to navigate these resources in finding the exact needed instructions. To make things easier, we have on hand at LDS Bookstore an Ordinance Card, which has all of the instructions found in the Handbook and App on a small card that can fit in your wallet. Click here to purchase your own Ordinance Card.

Listed below are the instructions that are found on the Ordinance Card:

Sacrament Ordinances

Blessing of the Bread

“O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of Thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.”

Blessing of the Water

“O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this water to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.”

Baptismal Ordinances

Performing a Baptism

  1. The elder or priest officiating raises his right arm to the square.
  2. States the person’s full name and says, “Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen” (D&C 20:73)
  3. Has the person hold his or her nose with the right hand (for convenience); then the priesthood holder places his right hand high on the person’s back and immerses the person completely, including the person’s clothing.
  4. Helps the person come up out of the water.

Performing a Confirmation

  1. The Melchizedek Priesthood holder officiating states the person’s full name.
  2. States the ordinance is performed by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  3. Confirms the person a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
  4. Uses the words “Receive the Holy Ghost” (not “receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”).
  5. Gives a priesthood blessing as the Spirit directs.
  6. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Blessings and Ordinances

Anointing with Oil

  1. A Melchizedek Priesthood holder puts a drop of consecrated oil on the person’s head.
  2. Places his hands lightly on the person’s head and calls the person by his or her full name.
  3. States that he is acting by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  4. States that he is anointing with oil that has been consecrated for anointing and blessing the sick and afflicted.
  5. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Sealing the Anointing

Normally, two or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders place their hands lightly on the head of the person. The one seals the anointing:

  1. Calls the person by his or her full name.
  2. States that he is sealing the anointing by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  3. Gives a blessing as the Spirit directs.
  4. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Blessings of Comfort & Counsel (Father’s Blessings)

To give a father’s blessing or another blessing of comfort and counsel, one or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders place their hands lightly on the person’s head. Then the priesthood holder who gives the blessing:

  1. Calls the person by his or her full name.
  2. States that the blessing is performed by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  3. Gives a priesthood blessing as the Spirit directs.
  4. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Consecrating Oil

One or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders must consecrate olive oil before it is used to anoint the sick or afflicted. No other oil may be used. To consecrate oil, a priesthood holder:

  1. Holds an open container of olive oil.
  2. Addresses Heavenly Father.
  3. States that he is acting by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  4. Consecrates the oil (not the container) and set it apart for anointing and blessing the sick and afflicted.
  5. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Conferring the Priesthood and Ordaining to an Office

To perform a priesthood ordination, one or more authorized priesthood holders place their hands lightly on the person’s head. Then the priesthood holder who performs the ordination:

  1. Calls the person by his full name.
  2. States the authority by which the ordination is performed (Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood).
  3. Confers the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood, unless it has already been conferred.
  4. Ordains the person to an office in the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood and bestows the rights, powers, and authority of that office. (Priesthood keys are not bestowed in conferring the priesthood or ordaining to one of these offices.)
  5. Gives a priesthood blessing as the Spirit directs.
  6. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Dedicating a Home

Church members may dedicate their homes as sacred edifices where the Holy Spirit can reside and where family members can worship, find safety from the world, grow spiritually, and prepare for eternal family relationships. Unlike Church buildings, home are not consecrated to the Lord.

Naming and Blessing a Child

When blessing a baby, Melchizedek Priesthood holders gather in a circle and place their hands under the baby. The person who gives the blessing:

  1. Addresses Heavenly Father.
  2. States that the blessing is performed by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  3. Gives the child a name.
  4. Gives a priesthood blessing as the Spirit directs.
  5. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Dedicating Graves

A person who dedicates a grave should hold the Melchizedek Priesthood and be authorized by the priesthood officer who conducts the service. The person who dedicates the grave:

  1. Addresses Heavenly Father.
  2. States that he is acting by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  3. Dedicates and consecrates the burial plot as the resting place for the body of the deceased.
  4. Prays that the place will be hallowed and protected until the Resurrection (where appropriate).
  5. Asks the Lord to comfort the family and expresses thoughts as the Spirit directs.
  6. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.