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How Our Little Company Came To Be

I have always loved business. As a kid I would download shareware computer games from the internet, save them to floppy disks, and sell them to my friends. I was always mowing lawns, teaching computer classes...whatever I could do to make a buck. This sparked an interest in business from an early age.

From 2003-2005 I served my mission in Madrid, Spain, where I was asked on three separate occasions where one could purchase a CTR ring. After the third time, I took it as a sign from Heavenly Father and decided to start a business selling CTR rings once my mission was complete - something I never even remotely thought of doing. Upon returning home, I landed a job working for a company that required their employees to build a website selling something on the internet. Coincidence? I think not. I found a manufacturer of CTR rings, ordered $900 worth of product, put it in my closet and launched my first "official" business.

Returning home from my mission.

Here we are 14 years later, running a company that I never really dreamt I would be running. I didn't have a goal to start an bookstore online selling products to uplift and inspire Latter-day Saints - it just turned out that way. Heavenly Father inspired me. He planted a little seed in my mind through three wonderful people in Spain, and He knew exactly how it would turn out, and I am forever grateful.

Now, we employ a team (I consider them family) of dedicated individuals that have helped grow our business into what it is today. We have created and sold hundreds of thousands of wonderful items that have had lasting impacts on people's lives. I always tell my employees we aren't selling chairs or headphones. We are selling scriptures that contain God's word, uplifting books, and inspiring art that will literally change lives. What a tremendous blessing.

Company christmas party.

The future looks bright for our little company! Now I have a family of my own. Two of the cutest kids (and a dog) you've ever seen. They have caused my perspective on the business and the product we offer to change. I now want to create wonderful coloring pages that will now teach them about the gospel. I want fun toys, magnets, and books that will help them learn about Jesus Christ. These products will hopefully excite them enough to someday have a desire to go and serve the Lord on a mission where they will be inspired to do something they never dreamt of doing.

Me reading one of our books to my twins.

As the owner of a small business, I sincerely appreciate your support. I am grateful to have some (even if it's a very, very small) part in your, or someone you love's spiritual journey back to our Father in Heaven. I hope our products uplift and inspire. I hope our service leaves you satisfied and a customer for years to come.

Thank you,

Brandon Young