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Angel Moroni Tie Bar - Gold

Price: $5.99
    Ready to Ship: 1-3 Business Days
    • Gold Angel Moroni Tie Bar 
    • Features a detailed Angel Moroni
    • Includes an illustrated backer, making it a great gift
    • Popular with missionaries, church leaders, and temple workers
    • Also available in silver
    Item #: CF-P70790

    The Angel Moroni Tie Bar not only keeps your tie in place, but symbolizes the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. This tie bar comes in gold and silver finishes so you can color coordinate perfectly. It is popular among temple workers and missionaries.

    "I was informed that I was chosen to be an instrument in the hands of God to bring about some of his purposes in the glorious dispensation."

    The Angel Moroni is a messenger from God that showed Joseph Smith the location of the golden plates; which would be translated into The Book of Mormon. The trumpet shows the angel proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The robe he wears shows righteousness, the crown symbolizes glory and exaltation in God's kingdom. As we look on the temple we see that he faces East, this symbolically shows him look for the return of Christ who will be coming from the East at His Second Coming. We can look to this amazing statue showing us the church's history and the future.