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Peace, Be Still - Minicard

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    • By Simon Dewey
    • Inspired by Matthew 8:26
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    Item #: AFA-P-PBS

    ...Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. ~ Matthew 8:26

    It is no surprise that all nature would reverence the Creator to the extent that even the wind and the waves obeyed him. We feel for the trembling apostles and acknowledge that when storms brew in the sea of life, we too become alarmed and perhaps forget that the Son of God once stood on the bow of a ship and brought peace where there was tempest. That same Christ who has assumed his rightful place on high continues to have dominion over all creation. Our souls can be still knowing that even though we are minute in the immensity of all that is his, our Savior can calm the waves of trial and tribulation in each of our lives. ~ Simon Dewey