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Ye Are The Light Of The World - Print

Price: $0.75
    Ready to Ship: 1-3 Business Days
    Limited Stock - Only
    • By Simon Dewey
    • Available in 4 print sizes
    • Unmatted & matted options
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    Item #: AFA-P-LOTW

    Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. ~ Matthew 5:15

    The example we set may be the only gospel message that some people ever receive. When we think of our example to others in those terms we can see why the Savior associated light with this principle. I hoped to show that even children can be taught that the way they live their lives can be the most significant missionary tool. Light is an interesting symbol; we are drawn to light, we feel safer in the light, we create light to find our way in the darkness. In this painting Christ is holding the light, for He is the source, but it is interesting that he says to us, his disciples, "Ye are the light". Clearly he expects us to take His light and use it to bring light to the world, through our words, our actions, and simply the way we go about our everyday lives. ~ Simon Dewey