Bought this for my primary class. I really like the way the rings are adjustable. Will fit even a really small child.
My 10 year old just loves owls. This ring is great because it adjusts to the size of the finger so my 6 year old can even wear it. My kids got some in primary but they are the ones that bend out of shape and turn your finger green. If she gets this wet I don't have to worry about that or if it gets left on the floor and gets stepped on it doesn't bend out of shape. It's also big enough that the vacuum can't get it, but it is not too heavy or bulky for her small finger.
My daughter really liked it
Perfect ring for a little girl. can't wait for Christmas to have her get it.
Daughter loves the CTR ring.
I'm putting the rings inside the golden plates as a gift.
I handed this ring and others out to my CTR 4 class this week as part of CTR-A Lesson #8's Attention Activity. I have 10 children in the class and not one of them dissappointed. As the rings are adjustable, they fit each child perfectly. The children in my class are 4 turning 5. They each got a different design and they loved looking to see what designs each other got. If you are debating on wether or not to purchase any of these rings, don't waffle and just do it. You wont be disappointed.
I loved these rings and I was happy to pass them out to my nieces!