My daughter loves this ring.
Delightful in every way! Seems well made, good detail, & easy to adjust to needed size.
This ring is nicely made and its worth the low price!
She loved it for a whole day before losing it. I got each student a different ring - I should have known all the girls would want the pink one.
My granddaughter is going to flip over this ring, but I hope it fits when I give it to her. That's my only concern. She has chubby little fingers. Otherwise, I absolutely adore it!
I got this ring for a little girl that just turned 8 and was baptized. She was so excited to get a ctr ring that matched her scripture bag she was given. She proudly shows it off.
Love these rings
Fun ring for the students in my CTR5 primary class.
I thought it was really cute. My daughter seemed to really like it. I ordered 2. 1 for my other daughter as well.
Inexpensive and cute!