This is a very high quality product and it looks very nice.
Bought it for my daughter for her birthday. She loves it. She loves the fact that it says "Choose the Right". She knows it, but she can tell everyone else it says whatever she wants. :) Received in a timely manner and just as expected.
For a $25 ring, it's pretty good. The engraving is just the tiniest bit scratchy, but otherwise, it's great.
This CTR ring has the words "Choose the Right" inscribed on it in Elvish, the language J. R. R. Tolkien invented while he was writing "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings ". It's simple yet elegant, and will appeal to fantasy lovers everywhere.
The wording should have been darker, But my Daughter loved it.
I just bought this ring for my son for his birthday. He loves it and is very happy with it. He was worried when he read the other reviews saying that the engravings were too light, but that is not so with his ring. He is perfectly happy with it!
Being an avid Lord of the Rings fan, I was ecstatic when I saw that LDS bookstore offered this ring. The price was excellent, it shipped quickly, and it's very sleek and comfortable where I don't even feel like I'm wearing a ring. Ring fits to size. It hasn't turned a weird color, feels like real silver, and I've worn in the shower, washed my hands, etc. and that hasn't changed it's quality. Highly recommend!!
I love it. It's unique and good quality. It was delivered quickly.
Such a cool idea. My young son loves it!
It's a beautiful ring. The engraving was perfect. This was actually a replacement ring. My daughter lost the one we gave her for her birthday. It was engraved quickly and arrived early. Thank you very much.