Tips and Ideas to Have a Great General Conference Weekend

With General Conference now only a few weeks away, we're getting so excited for the wonderful lessons and talks we'll soon be hearing. In order to help you have the best Conference weekend possible, we've compiled a few tips and ideas for how to get the very most out of this special weekend. Scroll through to see more!

Take Notes

When we're listening to the wonderful talks of General Conference, we can receive powerful revelation for our lives. The words from the Lord's chosen Church leaders can penetrate our hearts and give us inspiration for new directions for our lives. Recording those thoughts and impressions can help us to turn those thoughts into actions, and make real and beautiful change in our lives. Click here to see our wide selection of beautiful notebooks that can be perfect for taking notes!

Follow Up On Your Commitments

After the final session of Conference, we are often left with a feeling of rejuvenation, excitement for the future, and a determination to make our lives better. As the days pass, sometimes we can fall back into our old ways and forget about those important impressions and commitments we had made during General Conference. To help with this, consider making reminders to follow up on your commitments from General Conference. One helpful way is to place your goals and commitments on sticky notes that you can put around your house. This way when you are going about your day, you'll be reminded of those important promises you had made to the Lord.

Prepare With Purpose

Our loving Father in Heaven wants us each to have a wonderful spiritual experience while watching General Conference. So much of what we can receive from General Conference is based on how we prepare for the lessons we will hear. Before General Conference, consider taking some extra time out of your day to mentally and spiritually prepare for the impressions and lessons you hope to receive. Take time to write down your questions and concerns, paired with prayer, to prepare for General Conference with purpose.

Share Your Thoughts

Another important way we can get the most out of our General Conference experience is to share our thoughts and impressions with our loved ones. By sharing a favorite quote, video, or talk on your social media accounts, you can help share the light of Christ with so many individuals around you. Additionally, one of the best ways to retain information is to explain it verbally to others. As you share your thoughts and impressions, those lessons will more fully stay within your memory.

Practice Self-Compassion

Sometimes as we listen to the messages of General Conference, we can feel a little discouraged that we're simply not doing enough. General Conference edifies and uplifts us in reminding us of the important things we should be doing to draw closer to our Father in Heaven. Sometimes though we can be a little too hard on ourselves. Our Father in Heaven loves us so deeply and personally, and rejoices in every action we do to draw closer to Him. Remember this as you listen to the words of the Church leaders, and make those commitments in a spirit of self-compassion to draw closer to Him.

Take Time to Ponder and Pray

Prayer is one of the greatest gifts our Father in Heaven has given us in this life. When we strengthen our connection with Him, we can find so much peace and happiness as we internalize the words of the Church leaders. Take time between sessions and in the evenings to really ponder and pray over the lessons you are learning. Our Father in Heaven has taught us that it's important for us to pray in faith for a confirmation of the truthfulness of these things as we study the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we ponder and pray over the words of Conference, we can feel of His love for us, and His desire for us to gain a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel.

On LDS Bookstore, we have so many great items that will help you have a fantastic General Conference weekend! Click the link here to see more.