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LDS Valentines Cards - Cute - Digital Download

Price: Free Download
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    We want our printables to be available to everyone, so we let you choose how much you pay! Even a small amount allows us to continue to produce these printables for members around the world! You can also pay via Venmo or PayPal.

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    Item #: LDPD-PBL243

    This adorable set of LDS Valentines Cards will make you smile! Featuring four custom designs paired with an LDS themed pick-up line, they make great valentines for friends.

    These cards are printables! That means you will receive a downloadable file to your email upon purchase. You can then print off as many copies as you need. This set prints on a standard 8.5x11 piece of paper.

    Please note: Watermarks are included on the product image, but will not be included in your purchased file. .