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The Good Shepherd - Print

Price: $0.75
    Ready to Ship: 1-3 Business Days
    • By Simon Dewey
    • Available in 4 print sizes
    • Unmatted & matted options
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    Item #: AFA-P-TGS

    I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. ~ Matthew 6:28

    The enduring image of Christ as our shepherd has been portrayed in countless ways throughout history. I love the 23rd Psalm and the peace and comforts it brings. I wanted the warm colors in this painting to symbolize the warmth we can feel in knowing that He is watching over us. Just as he is our Shepherd He has asked us to be his under-shepherds in watching over His flock. My hope is that you can feel the love and caring he has for each of us and the gentle and peaceful way he wants us all to watch over each other. ~ Simon Dewey