The triple combination includes the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price bound in one book. It contains cross-references to all the standard works, including the Latter-day Saint edition of the King James Version of the Bible and its Topical Guide and Bible Dictionary. It also includes an index and a section of maps, pictures, and Church history chronology. This economy edition of the triple combination has a binding that is glued rather than sewn. It is not thumb-indexed. Size is approximately 5¼″ x 7¼″
This size is only available in black.
The softcover is much easier for me to hold and manage while lying down reading. High-quality cover.
I have recently returned to church after a time away and, thank God, am in a better place. Having restarted to read the Book of Mormon, --esp. wanting to "catch up" for Sunday School--I wanted a concise copy of all of the scriptures in one book. I already have the soft cover Bible but wanted the remaining scriptures to be in the same volume, thus more easily accessible. So, I decided to buy the soft cover triple scriptures. I am very pleased with the quality of the volume along with the purchasing and delivery process. Thanks to Heavenly Father for His loving kindness, His mercy and for the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ.
I give it 4 stars, because it not got as much as LDS Quad, it not got Topical Gude and some other stuff.
All three books are in wonderful condition and now my whole family has their own book to read from, will definitely order from here again and recommend to others
I love it. I lost my scriptures in a move and it has been wonderful to have them again.
Good quality. Attractive binding.
This is a great way to share the scriptures with non-members, or for ease of use for a member. Tghis one is for an inactive member to help them keep the scritpures in mind and read them.