I purchased these for my granddaughter to pass out on her mission. Good product, very reasonable.
This ring is perfect for my little ones. It is adjustable and price low enough that if they happen to lose it I can replace it easily.
Great the children really like these.
what does "SoZ" mean? "SoZ" is engraved on the back of my bronze colored ring.
Very good quality product. The kids who received them; loved them
I thought it was very expensive with shipping for tin rings. It was around $20.00 for 7 or so tin CTR rings that I am certain the children will loose. They children were very happy to get these rings though. That made me feel good.
I enjoy wearing my ring! It's a great missionary opportunity. People always ask me what CTR means.
everyone in my family has one and we all love them. we get them either at baptism or joining primary. we all where them every day! thank you!!
cute pinkie ring
I enjoy being able to give them something memorable when we have a reason to do so. I had initially purchased this with 4-8 day delivery for a special treasure hunt we were having as part of our lesson last Sunday. It actually took an additional week on top of that and we finally received the rings today - 3 days too late. Consequently, we had to come up with a new treasure for that lesson. I would have thought that the significant charge for shipping would enable them to be processed in a more timely manner. I find it had to believe that it took almost three weeks to travel such a small, light package.