I bought this for my grandson and he loves it so much he won't take it off. It's actually a little too tight and his finger is swollen. We may have to get it taken off but if that happens I will gladly buy him another one.
Once again it is gift so haven't got to use it but it looks great
The ring looks just like it is shown. Keeps the fingers separated a little. Nice solid ring.
I absolutely love this ring. The CTR part that slides out will only slide out if it is not on your finger. Even the missionaries loved it when they saw it.
Very nice. It was a gift for my 16-year-old son. FIts well and looks fantastic!
I really liked the ring and that is why picked it and it lived up to my expectations
The ring is perfect except the color of the font. We were expecting a light blue like in the picture, however it was more of a regular royal blue color. Other than that I am very satisfied with the product.
Originally this ring was a gift from my daughter. Unfortunately stolen along with all my other jewelry. I missed it so much I bought a replacement.
Bought for YM in my seminary class for Birthday gifts. Very nice product -- no complaints. My son, in my class, loved it and has had friends notice it and ask what it means:) Great missionary opportunity as well.
The ring is beautiful. I hope it fits my mom for Christmas.