As a convert I wear it daily to remind myself of my covenants, and to help me make the right choices
I ordered this ring for my sisters birthday and she loves it! It is exactly what the picture looks like and I couldn't be happier with it!
The size is just right, arrived very quickly. It is very shiny though, but I love it.
I love it! I bought it for one of the sister missionaries serving in my ward and she loved it as well! It fits perfectly and it arrived sooner than I thought.
I have 4 stars, cause I received the wrong item. I went ahead and returned the ring I received. To be honest I was excited to receive it, but when it was wrong I really didn't want to deal with having to exchange and wait longer.
It was a gift to a friend and I think I may have ordered a size too big, but that's on me not y'all. The ring was great, and she absolutely loves it!!