I wanted this for my toddler to help him learn the stories. I have seen these before and got exactly what I was looking for. Good quality. The range of stories is great - it doesn't just hit the highlight or act as a "best of" series. Excited to have this book and to add to the collection down the road.
Beautiful book and a great price.
I bought this book because it reminds me of when i was little and we had family night. Papa would read us the children's stories and getting this fills me with the child faith. I love Heavenly Father so much...thank you for the comfort of precious memories!
When I told Helvi that she has a new graphic novel in the mail, she was super excited. She did point out there were no conversation bubbles, rendering it an unofficial graphic novel. (Oh, pardon me!!) It helps with teaching the Book of Mormon to my child, which I love.
Good book for youngsters and converts.
colorful pictures, formated for children with short stories
I wanted to start having family scripture study with my 2 yr old. This book has multiple pictures per page and under each picture is a 2-3 sentence description. It works great for little ones because you can stop in the middle of a chapter and easily pick up where you left off.
absolutely great pictures and stories were both exceptional
Perfect book for my Granddaughter Very happy :)
Loved this item. Started reading it with my 18 month old granddaughter