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Let Your Light So Shine - Framed (4.88/5 stars from 8 reviews)

Please note, all sizes come with a specific frame style. These frame styles are not interchangeable. When you select a size, the frame style will be displayed. Let your light so shine before men,...

The "Let Your Light So Shine - Framed" is spectacular in quality. It exceeded our expectation and now we are always delighted at seeing it hanging in our living room.


This artist has a God gifted way to make it appear as God himself is looking down on them!

Thatcher, Arizona


I recently ordered a large picture for our new home for my wife's birthday. It came in record time. I can't wait u til November when we can open it up and hang it in our living room. Top notch company here. I will order here again.


Beautiful print. Nicely framed. Proud to display in my home.

Emanating Light

I ordered this photo for my mom who was ill. Her father passed away when she was only twelve years old. She has been angry with God most of her life. When I saw this photo online I broke down and cried! I thought of my mom as a little girl and how much Jesus loves her! I had to buy it for her. I thought if only she saw this photo maybe it would speak to her soul. Unfortunately, my mom passed away on December 18th, before the picture arrived. I was able to contact LDS and ask them to send it to me instead. I now have it on my wall. It is all the more precious to me now that my Mom is gone. The only thing I would change about this purchase is to buy it much larger. I will rectify this in the near future. I love this photo! I hope you will too! Jesus does love you!

Let your light so shine.

Beautiful depiction of Jesus and a little girl. Looks great on my wall and helps to bring my soul back when I'm too deep into the world.

Love this photo in our home 🏡

I bought one for our living area and one for my daughter's room, so very nice. Peaceful feeling to know we are directed by our Lord's light.

Nice but not as impressive as I thought

Quality could be a bit better.