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Amazed By Grace (5.00/5 stars from 3 reviews)

What is grace? What difference can grace make in our lives? How does the Savior make His power available to us? And what must we do to gain access to that power?In Amazed by Grace, Sheri Dew...
United States

Amazed By Grace

It's very inspiring and uplifting. I haven't finished it yet. I read it slowly and ponder the messages. I highly recommend this book.

amazed by grace

This book gave me much needed understanding of grace. I had been struggling with what it was, why I needed so much emphasis on it. Now I have the answers. I would recommend it to all people regardless of where they are in their Christian journey.

Amazed by Grace

How I love this little book. Along with Sherri Dew’s other book Worth The Wrestle I have gained such strength to my testimony. This last year since the church has begun disclosing so much information about the early days of the church I have found that my testimony has been challenged. These two books have taught me how to face the current challenges.