It would be nice to see something that aligns to the new youth initiative
Colorful, good for organizing thoughts
This is the perfect companion to my 2020 vision board. Thank you!
I love this format, I printed one for each of the kids and us as well. They are easy the make goals and has everything there to put steps into accomplishing them.
Very nice looking. Just right for us for setting goals. Thank you!
Easy to use, clear to read and I got some extras to share.
With the New Year I passed the Goal Sheets out to everyone in my Come Follow Me group to help direct our focus on the Savior and ministering.
This was easy to print and a good quality file that was not pixellated. My daughter loves using this to record her YW goals. Thank you!
Love this goal setting worksheet. Especially now with the new virus taking over our country. This gives us a goal to be able to better set up our day. I love how it helps up to decide how to make the goal work and follow it through.
I am the YW President in our ward and our presidency decided in November that we need to be more diligent in helping the girls set and achieve goals in 2025. A counselor said she would like to prepare an activity in January to start the year helping the girls set meaningful goals. Just after the first of the year I saw this offer, and ordered it to help with the activity. It came at the perfect time and the two pages were instrumental in our activity, last week, being a success! Thank you!