We want our printables to be available to everyone, so we let you choose how much you pay! Even a small amount allows us to continue to produce these printables for members around the world! You can also pay via Venmo or PayPal.
Create a fun work of art with our exclusive Easter coloring page. Featuring the Salt Lake City Temple and festive Easter eggs, it can be printed off right at home and in as many quantities as you'd like.
I printed these to keep senior primary children engaged at the temple and they worked perfectly. Easy to download and print with just enough detail to keep them engaged without overwhelming them!
Just what i was looking for to color during conference
Didn’t see the Easter eggs haha but it was still a blast! Thank you!!!
Loving the art!
Super easy to download and great quality
The lines are very clear, and this was super fun to color!
We loved this Easter picture of them temple. It was so much fun to color with my kids. It is beautiful!