We want our printables to be available to everyone, so we let you choose how much you pay! Even a small amount allows us to continue to produce these printables for members around the world! You can also pay via Venmo or PayPal.
Featuring Mary, Joseph, and the newborn Christ child, this beautiful Nativity Christmas Coloring Page is great for the whole family. Print it off as an activity to prepare for the holidays or send them to your ministering friends and families.
This is a printable product. That means you will receive an email with a download link upon purchase. Once you have downloaded the file, you can print off as many copies as you need at home or your favorite printing location.
Part of the primary Christmas packet. Loved it
My class loves the coloring pages! They really add to the lesson!
Beautiful!! Exactly what I was looking for.
I loved how the folds of their robes were depicting, giving me plenty of room to shade my coloring. Thank you!
Love the free coloring sheets for my kids. They are always well done!
I gave the art to a 4 year old to color during Sacrament meeting so that she would stay reverent. It worked. Thanks.