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Just like the Wise Men, we can seek Christ by embracing His light. This Christmas coloring page features the Wise Men and the Christmas Star. Print it off as an activity to prepare for the holidays or send them to your ministering friends and families.
This is a printable product. That means you will receive an email with a download link upon purchase. Once you have downloaded the file, you can print off as many copies as you need at home or your favorite printing location.
Part of the primary Christmas packet. Loved it
I’m so happy to find the trio Nativity coloring pages. It’s wonderful to have the separate versions of the Nativity to teach children!
I love the art style of the free printable pictures. The people are just realistic enough to appeal to young and old, and there are enough little spaces that people who enjoy adult coloring books have plenty of room to express themselves
LDS Bookstore has a great variety of beautiful coloring pages to choose from. They are great for giving kids something creative to do on Sundays.
I love how they are depicted resting along the way, but still looking at the star and their goal. Great detail in there ornate robes and harnesses. Thank you.
Beautiful pages, easy to print, nice quality once printed. Our family enjoyed this activity at our family party!