it is a good book but a bit difficult to follow at times as the author changes from one place to another such a lot, needs to be read through a few times i think, to be better understood, also as the author is American and has American way of saying things, its a bit difficult to understand for me, being as im English!
There are plenty of modern prophets who teach that sharing sacred details with ANYONE other than intimate family is wrong. This writing is similar to that of Chad Daybell, Julie Rowe, Roger K. Young, etc; it’s a textbook definition of priestcraft.
This book was recommended to me at a time when I was feeling spiritually stagnant. I found great hope and renewal in these beautiful visions, the images of which are ingrained in my mind. As you're reading it it's very immersive and feels very literal. But once finished you realize the beautiful symbolism and that it doesn't matter what is literal and what is not. The point is the messages Heavenly Father shared with Spencer about the last days. I now have much more peace about my own journey (and my family) in these trying times. I'm so grateful my friends recommended this book to me!
About 5 months before I was introduced to this book, I had a short dream/premonition. I was standing on the East bench of the Salt Lake valley. (the one I grew up in.) to the west there was no lake. I looked to the South. there was the lake. That is all. I woke up. When my friend loaned the book to me I was astounded at the first chapters. Like unto sister Tuttle, I never finished the last half of the book, because I felt it seemed so personal to the man himself. But I feel I am a second witness to the happenings in the beginning of this book.
Ever since I read this book, I have had so much less fear of the future and the return of Christ. I will never understand why so many have so much against this book. It does NOT go against teachings of the church. It helped me build and solidify my testimony even further. It is absolutely solid in doctrine and scripture. I even got so upset about bad reviews on it, that I made a FB page rebutting a main bad review people were quoting. Make sure you read the forward before starting. Pray that you will be able to discern if there is truth in it or not. Don't listen to others, go by your own direction from the spirit. I felt the spirit testifying of the truth many times while reading this book. I cried through the parts about Christ, it is a truly wonderful book.
I could not put this book down. I found it incredibly inspiring and motivating both to live faithfully and be prepared as the prophets have instructed us. Have shared this with our entire family and as many friends as have ears to hear.
This book is false and is Satan I. Sheep’s clothing
I thought it very much coincided with many other revelations concerning the last days and made clear a few others. Not to be taken as scripture but went along with some of my own thoughts and impressions.
Iam sorry but iam a slow reader, but so far that I read it is very spiritual and I think it great, this book is going to take some studying and deep thinking. Thanks for the offer of points, but I haven’t earn them yet. Jean Fly
a GREAT insight for the future and was has already happened through someone else's eyes. A book everyone can relate too. A book of words once you get started, you can't lay the book down until the last word has been read.