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In Humility - 8 X 10 Print

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    Limited Stock - Only
    • By Simon Dewey
    • Available in 4 print sizes
    • Unmatted & matted options
    • Depicts Christ washing his Apostle's feet
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    Item #: AFA-P-IH

    Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. ~ Matthew 25:40

    In His ministry our Savior provided many examples of how we should be in our various roles in life. I have always though His washing of the apostles' feel was the ultimate example of true leadership. I wanted to show that the Savior is willing to be a servant to all and we too should learn to do such service. This is a sacred and very intimate moment and I found myself having to treat it with exceptional sensitivity. ~ Simon Dewey